Woodrow Wilson

Ƿudurāw Ƿilson, foresittend (1919)

Ƿudrāw Ƿilson ƿæs se eahta and tƿēntigoða Foresittend þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca, fram þǣm 1913. gēar ōþ þæt 1921.

Foregan fram:
Ƿilhelm Hēahƿeard Taft
Foresittend þāra Geāndena Rīca
4 Hrēþmōnaþ 19134 Hrēþmōnaþ 1921
Æftergan fram:
Ƿarren G. Harding

Foresittend þara Geandena Rica
U.S. foresittendlic tacn HƿæsingatūnI AdamsGefersūnuMædisunuMonroeIC AdamsIǣxcūnFānbȳrenǷ HarrisonTigelerePolccTǣlohrFyllanmāraPierceBūcananLincyleneA IohannessonGrantHayesGarfeldArþurClēafalandB HarrisonClēafalandMācinlīgT RōsefeltTaftǷilsonHeardungCoolidgeHoƿerF RōsefeltTrīewemannÆsenhoƿerCænedigL IohannesunuNixonFordCarterReaganGHǷ BushClintūnGǷ BushǢbomaTrumpBiden

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